What is the best menopause diet? End bloating, lose weight and nourish the body and mind! Many of us find that our bodies react differently to food during the transition to menopause.
Estrogen receptors are everywhere, including in our gut. And, as our hormone levels drop, our stomach may struggle to produce needed acid. Low stomach acid leads to poor digestion of food, which causes food to ferment in the gut and can lead to consequences such as disruption of the gut microbiota (the good bacteria in the gut), inflammation bowel and food intolerances.
We may also be less able to use starches and sugars due to increased insulin resistance. The loss of muscle mass resulting from less physical exercise can also mean that we burn fewer calories, even at rest.
Symptoms are very varied, and include bloating, weight gain around the waist, flatulence, disturbances in bowel habits and symptoms similar to those of irritable bowel syndrome.
And, as is often the case in midlife, the consequences of a gut imbalance become cyclical. The disruption of the digestive system will indeed have an additional impact on our hormones. This poor digestion makes it difficult for key nutrients, which are the building blocks for hormone production, to be absorbed, and the decrease in good bacteria in the gut also impairs hormone metabolism.
And the impact our gut has on our brains and well-being cannot be overemphasized. When our digestion isn't working as it should, we're more likely to feel depressed and lose confidence in ourselves.
So what's the best way to eat well during menopause?
The best foods

- The best thing we can do is to prioritize anti-inflammatory foods such as wild fatty fish, nuts and seeds.
- And also look for healthy fats. Olive oil and coconut oil, nuts and seeds, avocado… these fats are the precursors of our hormones and serve to build healthy cell membranes.
- Consume more whole grains, foods high in antioxidants like berries, green tea and cola, and make sure your plate is full of vegetables.
- Foods rich in probiotics such as milk kefir, water kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, kimchi (even better if you can make it yourself) are the best natural probiotics you can look for.
- .....Remember that digestion starts with the brain and mouth, so eat carefully and chew your food thoroughly (aim for 15 chews per bite).
Therapeutic plants, fruits and herbs

Incorporate fresh ginger, fennel seeds and lemon into your dishes. A glass of warm water with lemon first thing in the morning is a great way to improve digestion and energize your day.
hello slippery elm
This natural prebiotic has fallen into disuse with the arrival in force of super foods and herbs! Still, it can be incredibly effective at soothing our midlife guts. Just make sure you buy the inner bark - there are a number of supplement brands that use Siberian elm bark as a substitute (cheaper and more readily available). Provenance is essential.
Make way for yellow
Turmeric is a wonderful and varied herb. Known in traditional Eastern medicine as a warming herb or spice, it is a powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immune modulator. Thanks to its therapeutic properties, turmeric not only promotes detoxification steps in the liver, but can also help prevent several health conditions, including gastrointestinal disorders (such as inflammatory bowel disease and inflammatory bowel syndrome). irritable bowel) and osteoarthritis. The main active constituent of turmeric, responsible for its bright yellow color, is called curcumin. A growing body of data from clinical trials demonstrates its therapeutic applications.
Turmeric may protect the liver from oxidative stress by acting as a free radical scavenger. Free radical molecules created by poor diet, pollution and tobacco smoke among others cause oxidation and DNA damage which all affect the liver and the body.
Turmeric also helps detoxify the body by helping the liver eliminate toxins and excess substances produced by the body (including hormones). It can also help us manage hot flashes and joint pain thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. And studies have shown that turmeric can also reduce symptoms of bloating and gas.
But perhaps one of its most valuable midlife assets is its ability to increase bile flow. Bile is a liquid that is naturally produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. We need bile to absorb good fats, produce hormones and promote intestinal transit.
When adding turmeric to your diet, remember that curcumin has low bioavailability, which means it is poorly absorbed by the body. In order to increase absorption, mix turmeric with black pepper in a 10:1 ratio. Piperine, a component of black pepper, has been shown to increase the absorption of curcumin 20 times.
We add one teaspoon of black pepper for every 10 teaspoons of turmeric, mix well and store in an airtight jar away from light so you can use it in your dishes and coffees!
Choosing the right dietary supplements
Dietary supplements such as digestive enzymes and betaine-HCL may be considered in consultation with your doctor. Our formulas have been designed to further support your digestion when estrogen declines. Harmonie Daily directly targets issues with blood sugar regulation, bloating, and weight loss and has shown remarkable results in multiple trials.
The right state of mind

In midlife, external sources of stress further exhaust our body. One of the most helpful things we can do is reframe our relationship with food. Try to view "good choices" as acts of self-care rather than punitive measures.
The restrictions are less and less effective. Our body has earned the right to be nourished. This means eating well. And give yourself time. But there are also a few techniques you can try to help your brain support your body's nutritional needs.
Plan what you will eat and when for two weeks; preparing a program, having on hand snacks that will improve your energy level, will help you to choose well. Then assess your progress. If you are unhappy, reconsider your choice. It should be about pleasure and satiety, as well as food.
Try different methods; we are experienced and savvy enough to know that all diets are restrictive in one way or another! Whether it's reducing our meals to a minimum, advocating the elimination of certain foods, or inviting us to count calories or macros...for some people, diets are useful. Our advice? Be curious. But also be rigorous in your assessment. What works for others may not work for you.
In our experience, intermittent fasting is increasingly emerging as the most promising route to balancing weight, insulin, and blood sugar from midlife. In its simplest form, this means you fast from 6 p.m. to 10 a.m. each day. A growing body of research also demonstrates its potential to promote longevity. But, and this is a big "but", there are fears that this will lead to an even more negative attitude towards food. Proceed with caution. And, ideally, with the support of a nutrition professional.
Don't blame yourself. Don't get frustrated if you don't eat the perfect mix of good proteins, vegetables and fats every day. Weight gain during menopause is not a sign of failure. It's a sign that your body is in transition.
The bloating will pass. Weight fluctuations will subside. As you adjust your eating habits and your digestion calms down, you will discover what you need. Listen to yourself. Listen to your body. And don't forget that you are extraordinary.
With love, The Laboratoires üma team.