Sex is a subject that has remained in the taboo closet for far too long! Advice for peri and postmenopausal women has been hard to come by, so we're tackling it right now.
Let’s Talk Menopause

Menopause: how to regain your libido after 45 years.

Jul 06, 2023

Sex is a subject that has remained in the taboo closet for far too long! Advice for peri and postmenopausal women has been hard to come by, so we're tackling it right now.

Whether or not you want to have an active sex life (not everyone does), this isn't something you'll necessarily feel comfortable discussing. When we talk to women in our community, we would say that nine out of ten of them are not satisfied with their sex life in one way or another.

Studies have shown that 75% of women over 40 experience a decrease in their libido and 70% of them say that dryness is also a hindrance . This symptom is unfortunately very common.

Common symptoms in menopause

So what are the most common symptoms that prevent women from having a happy sex life during menopause? Low libido , painful intercourse , vaginal dryness (or vaginal atrophy!) and harder-to-achieve orgasms seem to be the main obstacles faced by many women.

Sex is a subject that has remained in the taboo closet for far too long! Advice for peri and postmenopausal women has been hard to come by, so we're tackling it right now.

Physical and psychological causes

The physical causes

Menopause: Less frequent ovulation leads to a decrease in estrogen production, which can make the vaginal walls drier, weaker and less flexible. A decrease in progesterone can lead to breast tenderness and low testosterone levels can impact libido.

Fatigue: One of the main reasons you don't want to have sex is that you're just plain tired! It's a recurring theme in our modern lives, where you have to take care of your family and your career.

Thyroid problems: the thyroid is your hormonal and metabolic regulator. It is she who provides almost all the cells of the body with the energy they need to function. This includes your reproductive function, sex hormones, and mood. So if your thyroid is low, you're unlikely to feel sexy.

Nutrient deficiencies: With age, nutrient absorption may decrease. This means we may be lacking in the nutrients our bodies need to produce good hormone levels and regulate our energy, mood, and brain function.

Hot flashes / night sweats: if you regularly have hot flashes, it will be difficult to get into the mood! Not only do you not feel attractive, but snuggling up to another sweaty body is probably the last thing you want!

Medications: The side effects of certain medications (eg birth control pills, certain forms of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or antidepressants) can cause a low libido.

Psychological causes

You feel less attractive: if you're hot and sweaty, or if you're bothered by weight gain and your body's changes with age, you may find it a little more difficult to relax and feel comfortable in the private sphere.

Mood swings: Sex is so dependent on your mood! If you feel depressed, anxious, irritable, or flat, it will likely impact your libido.

Relationship difficulties within your relationship: you may not always be on good terms with your partner. You may have lost that little intimacy because you're having ups and downs with your moods, your life in general, or some other reason. Or maybe it's him. Either way, if there are underlying relationship issues, it's obvious that fulfilling sexual activity can be difficult.

Stress or anxiety: here we go again. If you feel stressed or anxious, it will be much more difficult to relax to have an intimate relationship.

But fortunately, whatever the reasons for this lack of libido, natural solutions exist.

Talk to your partner: explain to them what is going on in your body during this phase ( use the information on our site if that can help you explain things! ) If your partner can understand, they are more likely to help you and to support you in the most difficult times. If this is not enough, psychological help can be useful or you can consult a sex therapist.

Relax: take time for yourself, whatever your commitments. Stress kills passion for sure! Try meditation, acupuncture or other relaxation exercises. Do something you love every day , walk in nature, read, get a massage, talk to a good friend, watch a funny movie, or take a hot Epsom salt bath.

take time for yourself, whatever your commitments. Stress kills passion for sure!

Consider your diet: Phytoestrogens help replace estrogen (soy, flaxseed, red clover extract), eat plenty of healthy fats (for sex hormones and lubrication), colorful vegetables, and avoid risk factors. dietary stress, including alcohol!

Exercise: Exercise stimulates circulation, blood flow and oxygen to all parts of the body. So be sure to go out for a walk, do yoga, pilates, bodybuilding, whatever makes you happy. But don't exercise too much, because that's another stress that can kill your libido.

Go for natural products: Not only can many body care products irritate intimate areas, but they often contain hormone-disrupting chemicals , such as synthetic fragrances, which are proven to disrupt hormone cycles. Instead, choose natural and certified organic products (even better!)

Love Your Body: W e sometimes talk to ourselves in ways we would never talk to someone we love! When you hear a negative voice about a certain part of your body, turn it into a positive voice.

When you see a wobbly belly, tell yourself that this belly gave birth to a child or that this belly keeps some energy in case I need it one day. If you see wrinkles, be thankful that you lived long enough to have them.

Your body is an amazing thing, it can take a lot. Thank Him every day for keeping you alive.

Practice saying positive affirmations about your body - even if you don't believe it at first, you'll start to feel more positive about yourself, and it will help you feel better about yourself.

Itching, irritation, burning… Vaginal dryness leads to discomfort and difficult sexual intercourse. Here are the ways to avoid these inconveniences.

Necessary for the proper development and functioning of our body, omega 3 promote hydration in the mucous membranes. Their anti-inflammatory action soothes irritated mucous membranes if you suffer from burns or itching. Choose quality brands that contain at least 1000 mg of EPA/DHA combined.

Sea buckthorn oil Rich in natural Omega 7

Sea buckthorn fruit oil has a high nutritional value in essential fatty acids, essential for maintaining healthy skin and mucous membranes and relieving dry and inflamed skin. Very moisturizing , it is an excellent remedy against intimate dryness to take during perimenopause and menopause.

Omega 3 fatty acids

Necessary for the proper development and functioning of our body, omega 3 promote hydration in the mucous membranes. Their anti-inflammatory action soothes irritated mucous membranes if you suffer from burns or itching. Choose quality brands that contain at least 1000 mg of EPA/DHA combined.

Vitamins and minerals to fill deficiencies

As we age, our body becomes less efficient at absorbing certain essential nutrients that the body needs to make the right levels of hormones.

Hot flashes, lack of energy, mood disorders, drop in libido... When our hormones go wrong, the whole organism can be unbalanced

Our advice? Opt for a multivitamin to cover your body's basic needs for vitamins, minerals and antioxidants necessary to balance your hormone levels , reduce stress , fatigue and promote healthy digestion .

Maca to boost your libido

Nature's Viagra par excellence, Maca is a revitalizing and sexual stimulant , improving resistance to stress, physical strength, fertility and sexual activity.

Rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids, it contains a carboxylic acid which acts on the central nervous system and thus stimulates sexual activity, as well as a sulfocyanate, reputed to be an aphrodisiac .

Maca also contains amino acids, such as arginine and histidine, essential for the metabolism of sexual activity.

Nature's Viagra par excellence, Maca is a revitalizer and sexual stimulant, improving resistance to stress, physical strength, fertility and sexual activity.

Free yourself from menopause with the Harmonie Daily.

The first treatment designed to soothe and relieve the 48 symptoms of menopause on a lasting basis . Hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, lack of energy, mood swings, vaginal dryness, low libido, weight gain and more. Free yourself from menopause with Harmonie Daily our 100% natural and hormone-free expert formula.

With love, The Laboratoires üma team.

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