Women make up 50% of the global population, and each one of us will experience menopause. Tragically, too many of us embark on this journey without a thorough or even adequate understanding of what our bodies are going through. Menopause signals the end of menstruation, but there's so much more to learn about this journey and its long-term health implications.

Menopause shakes up your life

Women make up 50% of the global population, and each one of us will experience menopause. Tragically, too many of us embark on this journey without a thorough or even adequate understanding of what our bodies are going through. Menopause signals the end of menstruation, but there's so much more to learn about this journey and its long-term health implications.

Overall health in midlife and beyond

Decoding Menopause

We often classify women as 'being in menopause.' However, menopause strictly refers to a stage when a woman has experienced 12 continuous months without a menstrual cycle. This minimalistic definition inadequately illustrates the multi-staged, years-long journey that serves as the end of a woman's fertility and the start of a new chapter in her life.

Here's a thought: menopause is the new puberty - it shows up when it wants to, typically anywhere between 45 and 55. Yet, it can also get a nudge from medical treatments or surgeries. The menopause journey is a triple-feature: perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause, each starring unique symptoms and timelines.


You know, when most people talk about menopause, they're really hinting at this stage called perimenopause. It's that wild ride when estrogen and progesterone levels decide to play a hormonal rollercoaster. Typically, it sneaks up in the forties, but it can jump the gun or take its sweet time for some women.

What goes down during perimenopause? Let's delve in.

What goes down during perimenopause? Let's delve in.

Period changes

As you traverse the journey of perimenopause, your ovaries are starting to slow their tempo. This triggers a ripple effect in your estrogen and progesterone levels, which in turn remodels your menstrual rhythm. It can manifest as irregular periods, more abundant or scanty flows, condensed or protracted cycles, or an occasional no-show. The unpredictable choreography of your body means that ovulation can be a hit-or-miss, and sometimes, it may even encore twice in a cycle.

Perimenopause symptoms

Changes in your menstrual cycle might be the opening act of perimenopause, but hot flashes and mood swings are also headliners. The symptoms tend to perform in waves and often throw a bigger show before your periods when the estrogen levels take a dip. Just like a symphony of sensations, each woman's experience varies—adding a distinct composition to the perimenopausal concert.


When a woman hits the 12-month mark without a period, she's officially crossed the menopause finish line. If the menstruation race pauses for a few months and then restarts, it's back to the starting blocks on the countdown to menopause.

What's the rundown on menopause?

The last act for your periods

So, you've officially hit menopause and your periods are a thing of the past. Can you also wave goodbye to symptoms? You might assume things start to level out after 12 months of no bleeding, but sadly it's not always that straightforward. As with everything menopause-related, what comes next is entirely unique to you.

Symptoms start to fade

For some women, the body finds its balance amidst these hormonal ebbs, gradually reducing the symptoms until they are completely mitigated. However, for others, the symptoms might linger, often intensifying or even bringing along new ones. No matter the journey, remember, we're right by your side to help you manage your menopause better. At Laboratoires üma, we strive to make your transition smoother and your days brighter.

What's the rundown on menopause?


The postmenopause phase, with its own ups and downs, is a crucial stage that trails after menopause. Generally, most women experience a subsiding of symptoms in this phase. This time represents an opportunity to reclaim control, rediscover personal strength, and revitalize health and well-being.

The postmenopause phase, with its own ups and downs, is a crucial stage that trails after menopause. Generally, most women experience a subsiding of symptoms in this phase. This time represents an opportunity to reclaim control, rediscover personal strength, and revitalize health and well-being.

A Farewell to symptoms?

Say goodbye to the days of battling excruciating periods and concerns over unplanned pregnancies. However, this period post-menopause can also herald new health issues, some that are just a part of life's inevitable march, like osteoporosis and heart diseases. But don't panic; we're right here with you. Armed with scientifically-backed information and resources, we're determined to make this journey as comfortable for you as possible

And now?

The positive spin? A world of life is waiting to be lived! But health should never take a backseat. Whether it's about coping with the leftover symptoms of menopause or making lifestyle adjustments: bidding goodbye to smoking, limiting alcohol, ensuring routine exercise, and eating wholesome foods. We're not painting it as a breeze, but there are numerous resources standing by to help you out.

Hot flashes are just one part of a broader spectrum of symptoms

Menopause presents four key symptom categories: physical, cognitive, emotional, and genitourinary (GSM). These may or may not manifest across the menopause stages. Regardless of your personal experience, it's crucial to understand the health impacts of menopause. It empowers you to take proactive steps towards maintaining your wellbeing during this significant phase of life.

Low libido

Let's address the topic of diminishing libido head-on. It's no secret that a decrease in sexual desire is a common occurrence during the menopausal transition, primarily due to the decline in estrogen and progesterone levels. Remembering when you last felt a genuine urge for sexual intimacy can be challenging, leading to emotional stress and frustration.

Period changes

Navigating the waves of perimenopause? It can start with those unpredictable periods, right? Whether it's heavy or light, or even if they decide to take a vacation altogether, it's like our bodies are reminding us that change is happening. And if you think you're on the home stretch and then Aunt Flo pops back? Well, the menopause countdown just hit a reset. Hang in there!

Anxiety and depression

Ever felt like you had a superhero cape, tackling life's curveballs with ease? But lately, even the tiniest things get under your skin, make you restless, or have you in mini-panic mode. It's like our internal alarms are in overdrive! And with all this, if you're hitting the fatigue and stress wall more often, it's a whole new ball game for our emotions.

Loss of concentration

Ever had those "Where did I put my keys?" or "What's that word again?" moments more often than usual? Juggling tasks at work and blanking out occasionally? Menopause might be playing some memory games with you. But hey, if it's any consolation, you're in good company with many women riding the same rollercoaster.

Urinary Tract Infections

Oh, the woes of UTIs – that stinging feeling, always rushing to the loo, and let's not even start on how the urine changes. Menopause can be a bit of a double whammy, with dropping estrogen levels making things a tad more complicated down there. But remember, you don't have to go through it alone. A chat with your doc can make all the difference.

Hot flashes

Feeling the burn? Hot flashes are the ultimate power surge. It's that sudden rush of intense heat that can make your face feel like it's on fire. Your heart races, and the sweat starts pouring. And when those nighttime episodes strike, also known as night sweats, you'll feel like you've just conquered a marathon. Welcome to the world of vasomotor symptoms (VMS) during menopause.

Weight gain

Feeling like you're waging a constant battle with the scale? The menopausal journey often brings along some unexpected guests, like added weight around the belly and thighs. It's more than just a few extra pounds; it's watching your body shape shift in new ways. It's not just you, and it's not just hormones. Age, our genes, and daily habits all play their parts.

Sleep issues

Difficulty falling asleep, frequent waking, and trouble falling back to sleep are hallmarks of perimenopause. More than half of perimenopausal women experience sleep issues. Dysregulated sleep, which is often the result of dysregulated body temperature, can lead to mood changes. Of course, mood changes can, in turn, lead to sleep issues.

Painful sex

Menopause isn't just hot flashes; it can bring real intimacy challenges. Imagine the discomfort when your body changes in ways you didn't anticipate, like dyspareunia affecting 25% of women. You're not alone, and seeking advice from a specialist can be a game-changer for your well-being.

Heart palpitations

Feeling that unexpected flutter in your chest? It's unsettling, right? Blame it on those menopause hormones sometimes; they can rev up your heart rate. And just when you think it's over, here comes a hot flash. But don't brush it off as just another menopause quirk. It's good to connect the dots but also remember to loop in your doc for a heart-to-heart, just to be on the safe side.

Joint pain

Do you feel pain, warmth, or swelling in your neck, back, knees, ankles, fingers, elbows, or jaw? It's a common experience among women going through the menopausal transition. In fact, 50% of perimenopausal women grapple with joint pain. When you wake up in the morning, you may find yourself particularly stiff and tense, as estrogen levels decline, contributing to increased inflammation.


Your patience is running on empty, and you find yourself easily agitated. Minor annoyances can send you over the edge. But take solace in knowing that you're not alone. Irritability is a common complaint among perimenopausal women. Don't blame yourself too harshly, as these fluctuations in mood are often driven by hormonal shifts.

Some endure multiple and severe symptoms, while others experience a smooth transition. But one thing is certain: Menopause is not just about hot flashes and doesn't happen overnight. Alongside the potential physical, emotional, and cognitive symptoms, there are also societal and professional implications for menopausal women.

No two women have exactly the same experience

Some endure multiple and severe symptoms, while others experience a smooth transition. But one thing is certain: Menopause is not just about hot flashes and doesn't happen overnight. Alongside the potential physical, emotional, and cognitive symptoms, there are also societal and professional implications for menopausal women.

All menopausal symptoms

The impact of perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause spans the globe, with 1.2 billion women in every corner of the world experiencing these transformative stages. Each year, 40 million women embark on this profound journey, highlighting the collective power and resilience of women across diverse cultures and communities.
Physical symptoms

Physical symptoms

Breast tenderness
Dry skin
Hair loss/texture changes
Headaches and/or migraines
Heart palpitations
Hot flashes (vasomotor)
Night sweats (vasomotor)
Joint pain
Period changes
Sleep issues
Weight gain

Cognitive symptoms

Cognitive symptoms

Brain fog
Impaired short-term memory
Inability to focus
Poor word retrieval

Mood symptoms

Mood symptoms

Anxiety (increased worry)
Difficulty concentrating
Feeling not yourself
Low motivation or energy
Mood swings
Sleep issues

Vaginal/Sexual/Urinary Symptoms

Vaginal/Sexual/Urinary Symptoms

Low libido (low sex drive)
Painful sex
Urinary incontinence
Urinary leaks
Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
Vaginal/vulva dryness
Urinary frequency and urgency

With a strong focus on customer well-being, Laboratoires üma® is proud to share that we're collecting valuable follow-up data from over 400 women who have embarked on their Harmonie Daily journey, showcasing the positive and life-changing effects on their symptoms.

Harmonie Daily® consumer study results

With a strong focus on customer well-being, Laboratoires üma® is proud to share that we're collecting valuable follow-up data from over 1000 women who have embarked on their Harmonie Daily journey, showcasing the positive and life-changing effects on their symptoms.

We're here with you on this journey, providing support at every turn

What you experience during perimenopause, menopause and postmenopause can have a lasting impact on your life. Our mission is to help you live longer and healthier with natural, safe, and effective solutions.
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